Choosing a Focus for Profitability

The Market v Productduality for choices dealing with profitability must be applied Level by Level (i.e. Mode/Stage by Mode/Stage), focusing on the challenges and commercial imperatives at each Level.
L1: Ensuring Profitable Operations
This Level is Balanced: .
L2: Battling with Competitors
This Level is Balanced: .
L3: Promoting Effectively
This Level has 2 polar Centres: & .
L4: Providing Value for Money
This Level is Balanced: .
L5: Bonding with Customers
This Level has 2 polar Centres: & .
L6: Introducing Innovations
This Level has 2 polar Centres: L6P & L6M.
L7: Anticipating the Market
This Level is Balanced: .
- Tension-3: Be clear about the inherent conflict between the Company and its Market.
Originally posted: July 2009